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Tips To Secure WordPress Website.

 Secure WordPress Website.

No matter how much you use good plugins and security, still, your website will hack Today we will talk about the ways to secure a WordPress website We, humans, make mistakes, but it is not like that we keep making mistakes We should learn from other's mistakes The one who understands from others mistake is actually a wise person.

So today I am going to teach you how to secure the WordPress website from viruses and hacking attempts So we will get to know all about it in this video So I am having 11 such points to help you secure the WordPress website So let's get started The first point is, to use a good hosting service If you are not having a good hosting service, the maximum hacking attempts happen on hosting servers If you have a good WordPress website and you did everything right, but your hosting service was not good, so it's of no use.


ck your hosting server and your website will crash and its data would be corrupted So it is necessary to use a good hosting service provider If you have used Bluecourse, there are many hacking attempts on that Just search on google about Bluehost hacking attempts Bluehost server hacking If you need a good hosting I have made dedicated videos on hosting, you can hit SUBSCRIBE button for more updates You can see my previous videos, and I will provide links in the description for my recommended hosting .

Next is, using a strong username and password Never keep "admin" as your username, keep a good username and a good password Next is, limit number of login attempts There is a Brute Force attack where you took username and you are using different password combinations You limit your login attempts to 3 times, and there must be a lockout, that after 24hrs it will reopen This ou can do it by a plugin, and I will tell you its name at the end of this video Next is, Change login page We usually add " /wp-admin " and we reach its login page, so you will have to change this Don't use that login page, so as to prevent the hacking attempt So you can change it like "/xyz" and then you have your login page, so you can change it through a plugin which I will tell you later Don't use nulled plugins or themes I have made a detailed video on nulled plugins Why you shouldn't use it, what are its disadvantages And yes it compromises the security of the websites If you haven't watched that video, you can get it on "I BUTTON" Next is updating plugin or theme every 15 days It is because there are many loopholes, which the developer updates it from its end .

So in every 15 days, you must update all your WordPress websites and themes Next is, remove unactive plugins or themes If you are not using any plugin or theme, you must remove it, to prevent hacking attempts Eight point is, User registration should be off If you are having a simple blog, you can turn off the user registration from settings, which can prevent hacking attempts Next is taking regular backups Backups would be regular but you must have an offsite backup You must not keep your backups at the same server You must know to do backups and to restore the backups Many people take backups, but they don't know how to restore them I have promoted hostinger, they know how to do backups, but they don't know how to restore the backups You must learn to make and restore backups I have made a training program on hostinger, for all those who have purchased from my link 

 I will tell you the names of the plugin which you use it for your work but If you don't have a good web hosting so no matter how much good plugins or security you use Your website will hack if you dont have a good hosting The 2 plugins are: Wordfence Security and ithemes Security I personally use ithemes security, it is really good Wordfence Security is also good but sometimes it has performance issues in some websites So if you have increased performance and security issues, so it's better to switch over to ithemes security plugin Next is changing database prefixes plugin Usually the tables in Wordpress start with "WP" So we should change that WP Prefix If we don't change our prefixes, there is a hacking technique "SQL Injection" which can compromise our data So you should change the prefix and this can be done by the plugins I mentioned So I will try to make a detailed video on plugins Where I cam actually give a practical overview of this.


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