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18 Terrific Foods to Help Relieve Stress |

 18 Stunning Food That Will Help To Relieve The Stress 

If you're stressed out, it's only natural to turn to for help. 


Even if, by chance, since the capture of the stress is hard to avoid, chronic stress can have a serious impact on your physical and mental health. In fact, it can increase the likelihood of the events, such as heart disease, and depression (a 1-a Reliable source, a 2,, a Reliable source, a 3 to a Reliable source, is 4 a good source). 

In particular, some of the food and the drinks can be a stress-relieving properties. 

This is a 18 de-stressing foods and beverages to add to your diet. 

1. Matcha Powder 

This is a live powder, green tea extract, among popular health-lover, as it is rich in L-theanine, a non-protein amino acid with a strong stress of the features. 

The match is the best source of this amino acid in many of the other types of green tea, because it is made from green tea leaves grown in the shade. In this process, the increase of the content of certain substances, including L-theanine (5). 

Studies in both animals and humans show that the matching can reduce the amount of stress on its L-theanine content is sufficiently high, and its caffeine content is lower (6 to reliable sources. 

For example, a 15-in the day to day work, 36 for cakes, cookies, 4.5 g of matcha powder for every day. They showed a significant decrease in the activity of salivary alpha-stress is a marker of our choice compared to the placebo group (7 of reliable sources). 

2. Beet leaves (chard) 

Beet leaves (chard) is a leafy, green vegetables are rich in nutrients, and fight stress. 

Just 1 cup (175 g) of flour, water, cooked swiss chard contains 36% of the recommended intake of magnesium, which plays an important role in the body's response to stress (8 reliable sources, 9 of reliable sources). 

Low levels of this mineral is associated with conditions such as anxiety and panic. In addition, chronic stress can deplete the body's magnesium stores, which is of particular importance when you are stressed out (and 10 to reliable sources. 

3. Sweet potatoes 

Eating whole, nutrient-rich carbohydrate sources such as potatoes, that can help to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol (11 trusted source). 

Also, cortisol levels are tightly regulated, and chronic stress can cause cortisol dysfunction, which can cause inflammation, pain, and other side effects (12trusted source). 

An 8-week study of overweight or obese women, it was found that there was no eating whole nutrient-rich carbohydrates, their cortisol levels in the mouth of the water were lower than those following a standard American diet is high in refined carbohydrates (13trusted source). 

Sweet potato is the food, which makes them a great to carb of choice. They are packed full of nutrients which are important for the stress, for example, for vitamin C, and potassium (from 14 to reliable sources. 

Kimchi is a fermented vegetable dish that is usually made from napa cabbage and daikon, a kind of radish. Fermented foods, like kimchi, contains healthy bacteria, called probiotics, which are rich in vitamins, minerals, and vitamin E-15 reliable sources. 

Further Information Research

5. Artichokes 

Artichokes are quite a concentrated source of the fiber, and is particularly rich in prebiotics, a type of fiber that feeds the healthy bacteria in your gut (reference 18). 

Animal studies suggest that prebiotics as fructo-oligosaccharides (FOSs), and amorphous, can help to reduce the amount of stress (Reference 19). 

In addition, the study found that people who ate 5 or more grams of prebiotics, one day is experienced improvement in symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress, and is made of high-quality prebiotic-rich diet can reduce the risk of stress (20 to reliable sources. 

Artichokes are rich in potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C is essential to a healthy, stress-Source 14-source to 21). 

6. Organ meats 

Meat, heart, liver, and kidneys of the animals, such as cows and chickens, and is the main source of B-vitamins, in particular vitamin B12, vitamin B6, riboflavin, and folate, which are essential in order to combat stress. 

For example, the B-vitamins are essential to the production of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin, which helps regulate the mood of the Source 22 And the Source, 23). 

Supplementing with vitamin B,, or to eat as a food may help to reduce the strain. In a review of 18 adults, studies have shown that a deficiency of the B vitamin, reduces stress, and greatly improves the mood and 22 to reliable sources. 

Only 1 slice (85 g) of cod liver oil contains more than 50% of the daily value (ES) of vitamin B6 and folic acid, to more than 200% for niacin, and a more than 2,000% for vitamin a, vitamin B12 (24), it is a reliable source). 

7. The egg 

The eggs are often referred to as nature's multivitamin, because of their impressive nutritional profile. Each egg is packed with the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants needed for a healthy and stress-free. 

All the eggs are especially rich in choline, a nutrient that is found in large quantities in only a few foods. Choline has been shown to play an important role in brain health and may protect against stress, and 25 is a reliable source). 

Animal studies indicate that supplemental choline can help with stress responses, and improve mood (25 trusted source). 

8. Seafood 

The seafood, which includes clams, mussels, and oysters are high in amino acids, like taurine, which has been studied for its potential as a mood-enhancing properties (reference 26). 

Taurine and other amino acids, which are needed for the production of the neurotransmitters dopamine, which is necessary in order to regulate the stress response. In fact, studies show that taurine may have an antidepressant effect, and 26 to reliable sources. 

Seafood also contains vitamin a, vitamin B12, zinc, copper, manganese, and selenium, which can help to boost your mood. The study was 2,089 Japanese adult who has been linked to low intake of zinc, copper, and manganese, major depression, and anxiety disorders (27 trusted source). 

9. Acerola Cherry powder 

Acerola cherries are the most concentrated sources of vitamin C. They have a 50% to 100% more vitamin C, citrus fruits such as orange, and of the


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